Something I try to remember: God is the same One who was with me on my best day as on my worst day… as in my most wonderful circumstances and in my most painful. He isn’t the One who changes. He is still worthy of all the praise and gratitude I gave him on those days that I felt like it… even when I’m having a bad day… even when I’m having my worst day. He deserves more than I can offer. Therefore, I offer Him all I am. On this day of Thanksgiving and every day, I live in worshipful gratitude of Him… because of who He is. -Pastor Esther “‘I am the Alpha and the Omega—the beginning and the end,” says the Lord God. “I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come—the Almighty One.’” (Revelation 1:8, NLT)
Reflections of a Jesus-follower by Pastor Esther
We are called to be followers of Jesus not spectators, not admirers or even mere believers. We engage in the way of Christ with one another. The New Testament mentions Christians 3 times. It mentions disciples over 260 times. At Cold Springs Church we say: A disciple of Jesus is someone who follows Jesus in an ever deepening relationship of love with God and others and helps others do the same. One More isn’t simply teaching people about Jesus so they intellectually learn or convert to Christianity and that’s it. The idea of One More is about showing up for someone (in relationship) and praying they encounter Jesus in a manner that turns into a lifelong apprenticeship to him. We can’t invest in everyone, we can invest in one more person. 3G Faith is a tool to help with your One More. Check it out here: Want to connect with someone? Sign-up for 3G Faith today on our website. Want to talk to a pastor? Stop by the Connections Corner in the lobby on any Sunday morning Text: 833-883-7985 Email: [email protected] In my work with college students I am continuously reminded how important it is to have explanations for the intellectual questions asked of me about my faith. Many college students are under the impression that there is zero evidence that God exists. They are wrong! There are actually very solid philosophical and scientific reasons to believe that God exists. Here are four of my favorites: God is the best explanation for:
I am currently teaching an Apologetics Life Group. Each week I also make a short video that sums up the material. If you'd like to check it out, you can find it below. Have you ever wondered why there are so many translations of the Bible? Has a skeptic ever told you that the Bible is not reliable because it has been translated so many times? A better understanding of Bible translation can help us in our own Bible study, and it can also help us correct misinformation that is so prevalent today. If you’d like to join me in a journey of studying Hermeneutics, I invite you to check out this 12-minute video I’ve put together as part of my series: Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics (Bible interpretation). This is Session #3: Why so many translations? And which is best? The Lord’s blessing on you today! -Pastor Steve This Sunday we will be finishing our series, One More. BUT, we will never be done with doing One More because that is who we are called to be as Christians! Jesus was always about the One More! He called the twelve disciples and invited them to live their lives for the One More. He died for the One More. He rose from the dead for the One More. He commissioned his disciples to make disciples of all nations… all for the One More. You are a One More. I am a One More. There is always a One More in your life and my life. “Lord, choose us to reach One More!” “Lord, choose me to reach One More!” Question: Do you feel inadequate to reach One More? If so, GOOD! We are inadequate - alone. But the Holy Spirit uses us anyway. And… God invites us to lean into Him and grow in our knowledge and ability to make disciples who make disciples. One of those ways we grow in our knowledge and ability to make disciples who make disciples is to get trained in Apologetics (which simply means: defending the faith). Apologetics does three things for us:
Here is the first of five short videos (10 minutes or less) introducing Apologetics. You are invited to join me in this journey! In His Grace and Love, Pastor Steve (for session#2 slides click here) Some questions to ponder:
If you are interested, take a look! This Sunday we continue our series Heavenly Homeland by looking at the faith of Abraham. As I read the call of Abraham, one important question come to mind: How confident was Abraham that he really heard God’s voice? If the instructions were something like: “Abraham, have lamb stew for dinner this evening!”… well not a big deal if it was’t God after all. But… “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you….” Genesis 12:1 That is quite a lot at stake! Or how about later when God speaks to Abraham: “Take your son, your only son—yes, Isaac, whom you love so much—and go to the land of Moriah. Go and sacrifice him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will show you.” Genesis 22:1-2 How did Abraham know it was God? Did he ever wonder, “What if I’m wrong?” What about us, today? How do I know God’s voice? How can I be sure? First, we must recognize that Abraham didn’t have any Scripture to consult; so we can assume that God spoke to Him very, very clearly. And God has made it clear that for US, TODAY, he has given us the Scriptures as our guide. All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. -1 Timothy 3:16 So whenever we believe God is speaking to us, we rightly ask, “Where is it written?” If it is not clearly in Scripture, then you have every reason to doubt that it was God’s voice. We also have our brothers and sisters in Christ to help us discern God’s voice. So in a nutshell: How do I know what God is saying? Look to:
If God’s Word is our ultimate guide… then how do I know I am understanding it correctly? Biblical Hermeneutics is the study of Biblical interpretation. Yes: there is a RIGHT way to read the Bible (and many wrong ways!) If you’d like to begin a journey with me in studying the key principles of Biblical interpretation, check out the short video below. In His Love and Grace, Pastor Steve Was there really a worldwide flood? Many modern scientists would say 'no'. The Bible says 'yes'. For some people the Bible is just a bunch of made up stories. For a Christian, the Bible is accurate history. Apologetics is the branch of theology that answers the questions:
In other words... what is the evidence that Christianity is TRUE? I love studying apologetics because I love discussing the evidence that shows that my faith in Jesus is well-placed. If the Bible is TRUE, then the promise of my Heavenly Homeland is also TRUE; and I can live my life for Jesus and with Jesus in confidence and hope. This Sunday, in our series Heavenly Homeland, we will be looking at Noah's faith and how we can have faith like Noah - Faith the Floats. Looking forward to seeing you Sunday! And if you'd enjoy a short apologetics video about Noah and the flood.... see below. -Steve In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. -Genesis 1:1 Scientists tell us that the universe has a beginning, confirming the very first verse of the Bible to be true. And when scientists say that the universe has a beginning, it is important to recognize that by ‘universe’ they mean: time, space and matter. (You might enjoy the video below from William Lane Craig on the Kalam Cosmological Arguement for the existence of God.) God is not part of the material universe; He is beyond space, time and matter. Scripture tells us that God is spirit (John 4:24). What does this tell us about ultimate reality? I am reminded that ultimate reality is not the material world around me. Yes, the material world is real! Yes, the material world is important - but not most important. What is most important is beyond… beyond the here and now… beyond me. As Christians, we live not for the earthy home which is passing away, but for the heavenly homeland that is yet to come - our real home. This world ultimately will not and cannot satisfy us because we were made for something more. If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world. -C.S. Lewis My wife Susan and I were married by Pastor David Cooke on June 17th, 2020 before we were members of Cold Springs Church. We later joined the church because we felt welcome and a part of church. After being baptized through Cold Springs Church, my faith and walk with Jesus has grown deeper. I have always had a heart for serving others and felt honored when I was asked to lead the senior care ministry. I enjoy and appreciate the assistance and love I get working with the church staff and fellow members in service to our 55+ church members. I invite you to join us, so you can connect and participate whenever and wherever possible.
-Scott Neal |
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November 2024