In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. -Genesis 1:1 Scientists tell us that the universe has a beginning, confirming the very first verse of the Bible to be true. And when scientists say that the universe has a beginning, it is important to recognize that by ‘universe’ they mean: time, space and matter. (You might enjoy the video below from William Lane Craig on the Kalam Cosmological Arguement for the existence of God.) God is not part of the material universe; He is beyond space, time and matter. Scripture tells us that God is spirit (John 4:24). What does this tell us about ultimate reality? I am reminded that ultimate reality is not the material world around me. Yes, the material world is real! Yes, the material world is important - but not most important. What is most important is beyond… beyond the here and now… beyond me. As Christians, we live not for the earthy home which is passing away, but for the heavenly homeland that is yet to come - our real home. This world ultimately will not and cannot satisfy us because we were made for something more. If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world. -C.S. Lewis
My wife Susan and I were married by Pastor David Cooke on June 17th, 2020 before we were members of Cold Springs Church. We later joined the church because we felt welcome and a part of church. After being baptized through Cold Springs Church, my faith and walk with Jesus has grown deeper. I have always had a heart for serving others and felt honored when I was asked to lead the senior care ministry. I enjoy and appreciate the assistance and love I get working with the church staff and fellow members in service to our 55+ church members. I invite you to join us, so you can connect and participate whenever and wherever possible.
-Scott Neal |
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February 2025