The Question: How can your church family be praying for you?
A Tradition…
Women’s Ministries at Cold Springs has been putting on a Spring Tea long before I started attending. As the lady’s connection team planned for this year’s activities, the tea took its rightful place in May. Hostesses were recruited (some who have done this for years, and some venturing the task for the first time), tables were set up, beautiful place settings were created, and the lady’s team prepped. In the prepping, we decided to do things a little different – let’s create small group discussion around the tables! The day arrived, Ginger Miner greeted and sat people, hostesses and team leaders served, the beautiful surroundings set the mood, and prayer reminded us of God’s Spirit with us. I’ve heard that you can tell when people are in community when there is laughter and tears. On Saturday, May 7th, ladies laughed, cried and lingered – confirming that God’s Spirit was experienced. I am so grateful for the women who prepped, the women who attended, and the women who shared of their lives, making this an event to remember. We celebrate when we share life. A Life… The city of Placerville lost a faithful servant this month, Yvonne Link. Yvonne served in the community. She served in church. She served in Women’s Mission Fellowship. And she served anyone she met. What I remember most about Yvonne is her sharing her mother’s collection of quotes, scripture, and words of wisdom. Every time we spoke, she told me about something her mother used to say, or she would read something her mother had saved. She was a hostess for every tea up until the age of 97! We celebrate her life. A Savior… We celebrate the person of Christ present to make every person, every event, and every circumstance a celebration! With Love, Christina *Remember, Jesus loved you! *Psalm 61:2 “Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”
TRUTH: get to the rock (God) that is higher than me, and bigger than me, allows Him (God) to change my perspective. He is God. He is with me. He has it all. All of it. *Proverbs 4:25-27 “Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. Do not swerve to the right or to the left; keep your feet from evil.” TRUTH: do not be distracted. Stay the course. Stop gazing at life, and glancing at God. Instead. Start gazing at God, and glancing at life! Remind yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing. The Christian faith provides an objective meaning to life, but that is not evidence that the Christian faith is true. There are many false belief systems that provide objective meaning to life as well. But C.S. Lewis notes that the very fact that we long for meaning is evidence that something supernatural does indeed exist. He writes: “If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning.” ― C.S. Lewis And Richard Dawkins, the well-known atheist, acknowledges that if atheism is true, life is meaningless. “In a materialist universe, there is at bottom no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pointless indifference.” -Richard Dawkins Part of being human is having a desire for our lives to count for something… to be significant. This longing within us is obviously not in itself evidence that Christianity is true, but it most certainly is one more piece of evidence that the Christian worldview is consistent with our deepest longings. Below is a short, 6-minute YouTube video from William Lane Craig’s ministry on "Is There Meaning to Life?" if you want to take a look. Because Jesus satisfies the mind and the heart. -Pastor Steve York |
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February 2025