Our Why Join A Life Group?
Here at Cold Springs we value Doing Life Face-to-Face, Shoulder-to-Shoulder, Back-to-Back. Our conviction is that a deeper life with God happens through a deeper life with each other. We place the highest value on personal relationships and doing God’s work together.
At Cold Springs, Life Groups are our discipleship pathway. We believe that transformation comes through connection, and the most effective way to do that is when we live out our faith together in Life Groups.
What Happens In A Life Group?
At Cold Springs we talk about the one overarching dynamic of Life Groups - Connection. We believe that regularly gathering with a small group of people is the best way to experience connection, which results in transformation.
In a Life Group, connection happens in three ways, when people: Connect deeper with God and each other through prayer and relationship. Connect the Bible to life. Connect with our community through serving together.
When Can I Get Involved?
At Cold Springs, there is a place for you! We offer three opportunities throughout the year to sign-up for a Life Group Session: Fall, Winter and Spring. These are easy entry points for people to try out a group. If you join a group that does not feel like a good fit, simply contact the church within the first 3 weeks of the session and we will help you find another.
Who Should I Contact?
For further information contact our Executive Pastor, Esther Tress: [email protected] or (530) 622-2171.
Here at Cold Springs we value Doing Life Face-to-Face, Shoulder-to-Shoulder, Back-to-Back. Our conviction is that a deeper life with God happens through a deeper life with each other. We place the highest value on personal relationships and doing God’s work together.
At Cold Springs, Life Groups are our discipleship pathway. We believe that transformation comes through connection, and the most effective way to do that is when we live out our faith together in Life Groups.
What Happens In A Life Group?
At Cold Springs we talk about the one overarching dynamic of Life Groups - Connection. We believe that regularly gathering with a small group of people is the best way to experience connection, which results in transformation.
In a Life Group, connection happens in three ways, when people: Connect deeper with God and each other through prayer and relationship. Connect the Bible to life. Connect with our community through serving together.
When Can I Get Involved?
At Cold Springs, there is a place for you! We offer three opportunities throughout the year to sign-up for a Life Group Session: Fall, Winter and Spring. These are easy entry points for people to try out a group. If you join a group that does not feel like a good fit, simply contact the church within the first 3 weeks of the session and we will help you find another.
Who Should I Contact?
For further information contact our Executive Pastor, Esther Tress: [email protected] or (530) 622-2171.
If you would like to express your interest in joining a Life Group, please fill out the Life Group Interest Form below. We will contact you and connect you with a Life Group.